Saturday, November 10, 2012

never want to say goodbye...

people meet..knowing each other...
begin the new relationship...
some with hope..some with dreams...
some involve the feeling of love...
nobody think that it would end one day...
me..loving someone...always want it to last forever..
never want to say goodbye...
but the destiny is not ours to decide...
the one everyone afraid the most..
so people..
appreciates everyone in your life...
before you lost them without you realize...
so that u wouldnt regret...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

tiada manusia yg sempurna...

byk ragamnya..ada begitu..bgini...
belum tentu kita suka....
tapi kita juga begitu sbnrnya...
dlm kesibukan kita mencari dan mengiakan kesalahan org lain,prnhkah kita terfikir...
kita juga sama...
cuma situasi berbeza...
mslh aku semester ni,roommates..
dpt junior yg suka buat hal sendiri..but it should be ok..
just no respect to senior...itu mslhnya...
mcm2 lah ragamnya..
kdg2 sakit hati..tapi aku cuba letakkan diri di situasi mereka...
yang boleh tolerate,aku diamkan...
yang melampau,i've no choice but to say it loud...
tp sbg manusia..bukankah sikap toleransi dan memahami itu perlu...
what u give, u'll get it back..
what goes around,comes around...
yg muda hormat yg lebih tua..yg tua perlu memahami yg muda...
jgn ikutkan hati...jgn ikutkan rasa...
tapi cuba muhasabah diri...
mcm2 lg mslh sekarang ni sbnrnya...
oleh itu blog ni lama x diupdate...
im just gonna be patience...
smua mslh insyaallah ada jwpnnya...
ini dugaan..
berat tp ini realiti...moga dipermudahkan..
coz all this makes me exhausted...
sgt penat..:(